DO I break fast on day ten or after the tenth day?
I find the lack of variation is hell on my cravings.
It has been a really hard last few days. I admit I shall feel loads better when I can break this fast.
I really wish I could have lost more weight and am scared to gain even an ounce back after. The health benefits far exceed the negatives (dizziness, intermittant lethargy as detox strikes, forgetfulness)
I will continue to do this fast three days every month and a couple times a year.
I do not plan on staying totally vegan. I want to vary my diet eventually to include SOME natural animal products. I want my foods that I DO EAT to be raw...I enjoy Japanese food and would like to keep the diet in that theme eventually.
So, I wonder do I start to break fast on day ten or after day ten?
Keep up your good work. I am pretty proud of all of us!