Science for hire
Reductionism as a scientific model is laughable at this point in time. Experiments in this scientific genre don't take into consideration the holistic interplay that culmanates the expression. There are to many factors to reduce in a meaningful way. You still need to apply things to the whole for a total expression. Try reducing infinity to see how fruitless reductionism is. It's a worn out paradigm that served as a stepping stone. Nothing more. Some still cling to that stone out of fear (mediocrity) or induce others to cling (power and control). Reductionism had its place in the evolution of understannding but we are quickly evolving way beyond what it can provide us in terms of meaningful analysis. In many instances it has become an ancor which serves to hold back and limit our thinking and perception.
Science has become a mainstream mechanism that serves profitability and not mankind. The way
Science is being used is suspect based on motivations of greed. Free thinking scientists are a rare and subversive breed. They are usually tossed aside by their mainstream peers, discreditied or even killed. Look through history to find ample evidence of this. Nothing has changed. Status quo serves to control pure
Science and harnesss it for the wealth of the few...the elite. Whether it is Tesla or
Hulda Clark , it's just another page in the same story with the same theme. Domination and control. If your looking for meaningful "Science" amongst this, I'm afraid you'll be wasting your time, wallowing around in a hand-me-down scientific mud.
(The powers that be like that diversion too *wink*)
Discernment and awareness is the responsibility of the individual and must come from within and cannot be found without.