Re: The EGG! _ Dr. Young, take for what it's worth
Hi all,
thought I would share what Dr. Young had to say about eggs in his book:
"In 1992 researchers conducted a case-control study in Argentina to investigate the relationship between dietary components and risk of colon cancer. Studies were conducted on 110 newly diagnosed colon cancer patients in 10 major hospitals. It was found that consumption of eggs was associated with increased risk of colon cancer. Eggs from grain-fed chickens have been documented to contain mycotoxins. (My own observations have revealed that 15 minutes after eating an egg, a person will show bacteria, or an increase thereof, in the blood.) Also incriminated were dairy products, including milk, with the highest association being cheese. However, the risk for red meat did not consistently increase as consumption increased. Since the Argentine diet typically included a high intake of red meat, this was of particular interest. Lack of association to red meat may well be due to the fact that Argentine animas are usually pasture-grazed rather than grain-fed. This is not to say that red meat from grazing animals is good food, but only the lesser of evils.
In 1993 researchers reported the results of a case-control study of colon cancer in Australia. A positive association for egg consumption in females was the most striking finding. Intakes of red meat, liver and dairy foods were also positively associated with risk in femailes. In males, large intakes of red meat and poultry were associated with increased risk of colon cancer.
Costantini, Weiland, Qvick, op. cit. (Ref. 32), p. 73
Steinmetz, K.A. And Potter, J.D. Food-group consumption and colon cancer in the Adelaide case-control study: meat, poultry, seafood, dairy foods and eggs. International Journal of Cancer, 1993; 53(5): 720-27.
Later, Mike