19 y
Can't sleep for worrying about these questions!
Hello everyone. I hope I am not posting on a wrong board, but I am in need of advice here. I do have an appt to see a doctor next week (of course, not wanting to, after trying every herb known to help GB symptoms, castor oil packs nightly for over 2 weeks, and infrared heat lamp--too scared to try flushing at this point!)
My questions are: I keep having what I assume is biliary colic pain in my right back, directly through where I assume GB to be located---it used to be occasional, now is every day. 4 Advil to do not help this pain! It seems to usually come on about 2 hrs after eating anything, but at times is present when I wake up, and sometimes even comes on with no eating or stays most of the day. I had a GB ultrasound 3 years ago that was "completely normal--no sludge, no GB wall thickening, no dilated ducts and no stones seen"---I do know small stones can sometimes NOT be seen in GB ultrasound/ HIDA scan was 78% clearance at that time, no abnormalities seen". Anyway, Ihave had this problem off and on now for 3 years.
Now it is becoming every day.
But---can a person NOT have
Gallstones yet have biliary colic? I realize I may have developed some in these last 3 years---my doctor mentioned "acalculus cholecystitis" at that time---but I was under the impression that one could NOT have biliary colic WITHOUT STONES???
My other question is: I have pain ON MOVEMENT--like mostly when I turn, lay flat in the bed or try to turn over, if I reach above my head. It is like there is an "awareness" of something that is not right ---do gallbladders get so swelled or distended that one CAN FEEL THEM ALL THE TIME? Now I am starting to have all sorts of fears like what if I have a tumor or something ---it is just a feeling that I know something is swelled in the GB area. Does anyone here know this feeling or have had it with GB disease and/or stones?
I will see a doctor at least this next week for some kind of scan----I am so fearful I have some kind of tumor! I have not heard of anyone on these forums mentioning this swelling feeling all the time. Thank you so much for anyone who replies. Life is hard.....