Thanks for taking the time to answer my plea for help, but the fact of the matter is I haven't taken the first painkiller. The surgeongave me Percocet, but I didn't really have enough pain to require a painkiller, so I didn't take any. I have interstitial cystitis, and most IC patients have irritable bowel syndrome - I do. But this is ridiculous. My body feels like it's just quit working. I don't know what is going on, but it's wearing on my nerves. I tried to talk to the surgeon about this yesterday at my "follow-up" appointment, but he was having none of it. You could tell his attitude was, "Well, my job here is done." He told me to go back to my internist or whomever if I had any more problems.
I feel like I have been kicked to the curb with a body that won't work. I know this is not right because most people complain of diahrrea following gallbladder surgery.