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I believe in second chances!

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2ndchance Views: 1,693
Published: 20 y

I believe in second chances!

Hello Eveyone! Although I've never actually posted before I'm not new to this site. I stumbled across it last fall when I had a horrible attack that landed me in emergency. At the time I hadn't a clue what was happening, I had just had a baby 7 months before and had had mild pains of the same sort throughout the pregnancy but this was unlike anything I'd ever felt. (I'd rather go through labour a few more times) Later on I found out that I had Gallstones and surgery was recommended.

I live in Canada and basically the rule is -if you don't have cancer, you're not a priority- (this is actually what i was told). I agreed to the surgery (keep in mind the attack happened in October) which was booked for Feb 16th,'04. (last Wednesday). I have been in constant pain since the attack.

I was very curious about the surgery and started researching it on the web and that's when I found this wonderful, wonderful site! The stories I've read are in such contrast to eachother, but the more and more I researched I began to feel uneasy about the surgery. Last Tuesday (the night before I went in) I was a nervous wreck. I viewed every single post, good and bad, and was so torn I was actually sick to my stomach. Wednesday morning came and my sister came from an hour and half away to watch my son for me. I went to the hospital.

I was to be there at 11am and my surgery was at 1pm. Well at about 1:30, a nurse came to and let me know that an emergency had come in and I was being bumped to probably around 3-4pm, would I wait? I had come to the hospital, gotten into the gown and had sat there for 2 1/2 hours, and still wasn't sure about the surgery, but I told her I would wait.

I sat there in such controversy with myself. Did I do enough research? Was this going to just be the begining of more health problems? What if I had tried a flush and done major damage to myself? What happens if the surgeon damages my bile duct? Who would watch my son if they have to open me right up. And porbably the most worrysome, what if I go under and never wake up (there's always that chance with surgery) At 2pm the nurse came to me again, I was thinking 'Well, no truning back now'. When she said another emergency had come in and that I was being bumped again, maybe until 6pm or 11pm, that was it. I knew I'd been given a second chance. I left the hospital and came home. I've been reading ever since. I began a juice fast on Monday and plan to do my first ever Liver Flush in 2 weeks, I have my fingers crossed. I want to try this approach since, at the moment, it is not dire for me to have the surgery.

I have other health problems aswell and will be using the other forums to post and receive support. I just wanted to thank everyone on this site for being so supportive and giving, it's just so encouraging! I apologise for my post being so long :) I promise that in the future they won't be.

Good luck and health to you all!!!


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