Do NOT have your gallbladder removed.
I'm sorry to hear you are discouraged after the 1st flush. But I can assure you that having your gallbladder removed is not the answer. I had mine removed 3 years ago and my health has gone downhill ever since. I didn't know anything about cleanses then.
I wish I had. I really didn't feel that bad just had two attacks but as long as I ate low fat I did fine. My husband and dr. just thought I should do it so I could eat anything I wanted (that's a joke). After the removal of my gallbladder I started having diarrhea after I ate. I had never had problems with this before.
I had to be very careful where and when I ate so I would be close to a restroom. Then I was diagnosed with celiac and have to totally avoid gluten (wheat, oats, rye & barley). That pretty much eliminates all grains and processed foods.
All the health problems I had before my surgery just got much worse. I won't go into detail but PLEASE don't have your gallbladder removed thinking it will solve ANYTHING. I know lots of people who still have attacks after the removal of their gallbladder.