Inguinal Hernia, Alternatives to Surgery?
I am currently facing an inguinal hernia. It is very small - however I know these things can grow and become dangerous, if not given attention.
With all of the stories of Staph Infections, etc. in hospitals, these days - and the many stories of post-inguinal surgery lifetime -virtually- incurable pain due to: slipped poly mesh "patches", bad surgical technique - I am very reticent about going under the knife, unless it is absolutely necessary.
I hear that Sholdice Hospital in Toronto is the worlds best, if I must.
Has anyone heard of a viable: restorative / strengthening / healing alternative to inguinal hernia surgery, such as: specific exercises, herbs and/or dietary regime?
I am ready / willing to engage in any program that would fit that bill, no matter the focus, effort and dicipline required.
Surgery is the last option I will choose, if I must.
Thank you for what ever help you can offer.