"Some Treatment Failures with Uterine Fibroids (Myomas)"
Excerpt from
http://www.fibroid101.com/fail.htm "Some Treatment Failures with Uterine Fibroids (Myomas)"
1. Coffee is a known phytoestrogen that exacerbates Uterine Fibroid Tumors ( myomas ). Since it is a phytoestrogen, decaffeinated coffee may still be able to act as an estrogen.
2. Laundry detergent cannot be fully rinsed out of the clothes and is absorbed through the skin. Change to a health food store detergent without the alky phenols that mimic estrogen.
3. Take Natural Progesterone for 2 months and then test for saliva progesterone. Blood level progesterone will certainly be zero since the Natural Progesterone is being absorbed through the skin. Order the kit from ZRT laboratories. You simply spit in the plastic tube provided and send it back through the mail. Lab results are mailed back.
ZRT Laboratories
1815 NW 169th Pl. Ste 3090
Beaverton, OR 97006
(503) 466-2445
If you are absorbing Natural Progesterone well, after 2 months your saliva levels should be at least 500-1000 pg/ml. If you are not absorbing Natural Progesterone well then your saliva levels will be less than 100 pg/ml. If you are premenopausal, make sure to take into account your period when you look at the saliva levels.
If you are one of those patients that do not absorb Natural Progesterone well through the skin, you may take 100-400 mg/day of Natural Progesterone sublingually (under the tongue), or orally in a pill form. The pills at this dose are a prescription drug and must be prescribed by a doctor.