I dont know if you remember me but you were very helpful in giving me some guidance in Reiki, and suggested buying a DVD by Steve Murray. Well I got it and have done the attunement a couple of times and read this book it is amazing. I have a question for you about healing if you dont mind me asking, and I hope you can advise. I was doing some healing on my daughter's side today as she has been complaining of a dull ache for a few days, I think it is connected to her ovulation cycle, but also she is undergoing homeopathic treatment to relase hurt and anger due to emotional and physical abuse from my exhusband (her father). I realise that the sacal/solar plexus area deals with this subject so this may also have something to do with her physical pain. Well during the session, my hands began to tingle quite strongly. I can describe the sensation being similar to the feeling you get after you put very cold hands on a radiator, you get a kind of prickle heat. My daughter said her side was twinging and hurting a little during the Reiki session, when I put my hands over the sacral/solar plexus area so I stopped. Also even though I followed the clearing and closing exercise after the session, my hands still had this tingling sensation for up to 3 hours later, is that normal? And is it normal for the person receiving Reiki to feel pain in the affected area during healing?