Enzymes for Dissolving Fibroids
Hello all,
It's been months since I've posted here as my password wasn't working.
Has anyone ever taken proteolytic enzymes for their fibroids? I have been taking them for almost nine weeks now and the shrinkage has been remarkable.
I have no pressure on my bladder anymore and BMs are back to 2-3 times a day. My fibroid was the size of a 16-week fetus. I haven't had another ultrasound since Oct. when I was diagnosed with it but had a pelvic exam by another Dr. on Dec. 16 and he confirmed that it has shrunk considerably.
I have also been on the Lupron shot I have to admit. But didn't feel anything from it. The first day I started the enzymes I felt little twinges in my uterus and a very "warm feeling".
I don't sell the stuff but the name of it is Vitalzyme and there is a message board on this website I found. It's kind of expensive but for it's been definitely worth it.
I don't know but maybe this will help someone out there I hope. Oh, the website I found is energeticnutrition.com
Please let me know if anyone has heard of VZ or enzymes that are even more effective.