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Daily Recommendation of Pickling Lime/BlackStrap Molasses/Lemon
acnebegone Views: 2,475
Published: 19 y

Daily Recommendation of Pickling Lime/BlackStrap Molasses/Lemon

Hi, I haven't procured any pickling lime yet, but I do try to drink the BlackStrap Molasses w/ Lemon Drink when I can. I also haven't bough pH strips yet, but I will soon. I was wondering, though, what dosage should I start out with, when it comes to the pickling lime/blackstrap molasses/lemon drink. I'm asking because I don't want it so that the drink overpowers me.

Can anyone give me the ingredients for making the pickling lime source of water, and then how much you're supposed to add to the Blackstrap Molasses/Lemon drink (one tablespoon BSM, juiced half lemon)? Thanks a bunch, guys. I hope this works.


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