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Re: Sodium Bicarbonate for ‘The Bath’?
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Published: 19 y
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Re: Sodium Bicarbonate for ‘The Bath’?

Hi Dave,

There is a Hugh difference between Baking Soda which is what is recommended for the Detox bath Soak and what some people are calling Baking soda which has phosphate and aluminium in it!

The Baking soda which is for the Detox bath is just Sodium bi-carbonate and has no added phosphate and or aluminium in it!

The product which has any phosphates and or aluminium is also called Baking "POWDER", which is not the name used for the product which is just Baking Soda!

There is a HUGH difference!

One is Baking Soda and the other is Baking POWDER!!

The Baking Soda may be used in baking as the Baking powder if one adds some vinegar along with the baking Soda in the baking mix so as to create a reaction as the Baking Powder has the acid added into it with the phosphates or other acids, so when you add it to your baking foods , that when water reacts with it , that it then causes a reaction from the acid and Alkaline substances so as to provide a rise in the baking product!

One is called BAKING SODA and the other which is for baking only is called BAKING POWDER!!!

The Baking Powder is a pre-mix used for Baking, whereas the Baking Soda is not a pre-mix, but may be used in place of the baking powder, if you add some vinegar or other acid to it in the baking mix!

I hope this clarifies this mis-understanding!

Smile Tis your choice.


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