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Re: Learning
PTtogether Views: 1,195
Published: 19 y
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Re: Learning

Thanks Moreless,

Yes, I sense that here in the Curezone is a big learning process going on.

It is almost a mass-learning process and I see it rising from month to month.

Some people may stay silent, they don’t have the time to write or their time to share has not yet come, but I feel everybody who is open is learning much here.

Everyone who comes aboard has the opportunity to rise and sharp his awareness about healing and healing methods.

It just takes some time to sort out information, try out things, and …there is much misinformation one has to get rid of. That takes some effort.

For example in the case of the pH I detected the following pitfalls:

1) The information one normally finds in the internet is incomplete. I.e. almost nobody mentions the importance of the stomach in the pH.

2) Some information offered out there is just not right. There are writings where you see that the author didn’t even understand the measurement of pH at the level of mathematical formula and I don’t mean here to go deep into the logarithmic/exponential nature of it, but just to simply know that pH of 4 is 1000 times more acidic than pH 7. Just to get a simple and practical feeling about it.

3) The solutions that some recommend are just “rescue/superficial” solutions but they don’t warn about the possible dangers of long time use and/or they don’t bring the attention to chew properly and eat greens, etc.

4) The measures that some people “push” are products that they sell (some times very expensive) and they don’t speak about the difference between organic and unorganic minerals, etc., etc.

5) Some forget completely to remember that the low pH is also consequence of toxicity and therefore cleansing can be of much help and a must in many cases.

6) And finally, others see that a pH shift is only possible through fasting and living exclusively on fruits and don’t offer any solution in between.

That’s why I like the recommendation of buying pH strips and making many measurements to understand how readings change according to what one eats, drinks, takes, moves…

Moving enough is very important, not only for the pH but for the general health also. I go now for some jogging… :-)

Best regards,



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