Elevated sugar level is not the problem (Edited) ♪♪♪
Hi Retrocool,
Sorry, I was reading before too quickly, I thought your were hyperglicemic.
The solution is anyway the same so I think all the information below will help you.
If you are hypoglucemic and are eating much animal protein you are becoming more hypoglucemic. The kick (energy) that you feel from the protein is not due of rising
Sugar levels, it is the energy release of your immune system trying to get rid of the meat toxins and foreing DNA.
Complex carbohidrats should help to rise (and maitanin)
Sugar levels.
To you question about the best way to rise pH:
The first and most important thing is to buy pH strips (5.00 $ ?) because this way you can measure your pH anytime and see how it is affected by what you eat.
Every person reacts a bit different to the food and food is also different according to how was cultivated, treated, etc., so the pH strips are needed in the beginning.
Then, taking minerals in the form of blackstrap molases (with lemon) and kelp will help you a lot.
Specially whatch out what you eat at night because naturally the pH level lowers in the night, so to help the body not to go too low during the night is best to take dinner early and eat alcalizing food.
More information about pH here:
The oposite reaction (hyperglycemia) is also possible, so in other people the vicious circle by eating much protein can be this way:
much protein --> less insuline production--> more Sugar in blood
Here how one can come out of it:
“I have had insulin-dependent patients become vegan, and within less than 6 weeks show no more signs of diabetes, for the first time in 20 years.”
Andreas Moritz
“Professor Buteyko explains that the cause of diabetes is not the rise of sugar content in the blood.
It is the shortage of insulin!
Prof. Dr. Buteyko cured many diabetics (from of October 1952) for 36 years. But he declared wide-scale war exactly to Diabetes only in June of 1988.
What foolishness does our medicine with diabetics? – Mainstream medicine judges about the health state of the person by the level of sugar in the blood! It is incredible nonsense!. We have observed tenfold raising of sugar in blood. And so what?
There is nobody, who perished from such hyperglycemia. Sugar is not poison.
Excesive breathing compresses the patient’s vessels and strains the pancreas. Production of insulin decreases as a result. And diminution of excesive breathing can cure the patient. That is our method!"
Sergey Altoukhov.
1 June 2000. Novosibirsk.
What means that in the beginning of the recovery you will have to allow some high levels of sugar till things settle down. But taking the right measures you sooner than later will brake the vicious circle.
“One of the misleading directions that diabetics have been given for decades is to reduce carbohydrates (and instead eat mostly proteins), since the sugars they contain would raise the blood sugar and endanger their lives. It is obvious that refined, manufactured carbohydrates affect everyone's health, not just diabetics.
What the patients are not being told is that the amount of insulin needed for a piece of steak is way more than the amount needed to process 1/2 pound of pure
White Sugar . Since the pancreas cells are uanble to come up with that amount of insulin (even in a healthy body), the unused protein ends up becoming deposited in the connective tissues, from where it is taken up by the basal membranes of the blood capillary walls. Eventually, the basal membranes have accumulated so much protein that, even simple sugars cannot be pass through them. Hence, they remain trapped in the blood.
The pancreas realizes this through intricate feedback mechanisms and cell enzyme messages. Putting more insulin in the blood at his stage would be suicidal, because too much insulin in the body causes cancer, especially pancreatic cancer and colon cancer. Consequently, the pancreas has to destroy or put to sleep a large number of its insulin-producing cells.
It is obvious, that this act of cancer-preventive self-preservation means that there is not enough insulin around to transport the sugar out of the blood stream. Doctors call this miraculous feat of survival, a disease, and they continue to give their patients the advice to eat lots of protein foods. I have had insulin-dependent patients become vegan, and within less than 6 weeks show no more signs of diabetes, for the first time in 20 years.”
Andreas Moritz
I wish you the best.