Re: Strepp infection, confusion about protocol
HOO boy quite a lot you're dealing with there! Wow!
First off, you need to do some stress management. That means listening to soothing music and meditating and creative visualization, nature walks, doing things that get you to a space of "no think." For me, it's walking my dogs in a park full of trees (hello trees!), singing, dancing. And the laughing cure - romantic comedies and old episodes of Saturday Night Live are great for that. :)
Lymph management is relatively cheap - the detox bath is a MUST for you, at least 2x week. Moist heat (castor oil packs) on chest and abdomen. On the nights you don't do an entire bath, soak your feet in a warm bucket of water with garlic and
Epsom Salts .
Be sure to take good oils, preferably castor, fish, flax and coconut and olive, nothing else. Very good for the immune system.
Drink Kombucha tea and aloe vera juice and liquid chlorophyll.
Get a tea for flu that has Echinacea, yarrow, dandelion, parsley, ginger, get as close as you can to that mixture.
Drink the Cleansing drink 2x day, maybe 3, it will help the immune system and
kidney stones too.
Take Liquid Phosfood - very cheap, only about 7 bucks, 5 drops 3x day until bottle is gone. Also good for kidney stones.
Keep cleansing colon, preferably with enemas and P&B shakes both. Enema bags are really cheap. Wal-mart etc. Try to get 2
quart sized bags.
Keep taking probiotics, any one you can afford.
Eat nothing but porridge and Kichadi and sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, any veggie but white potateoes, corn or tomatoes, protein shake. What you save on food bills will help with supplement costs. :)
kidney cleanse (raymond posted a great recipe for this) resume liver flushing. Don't ever stop colon cleansing, it supports all other systems. Doesn't matter if you don't see more mucoid placque, just keep doing it.
Hope that helps! :)