My Experience Getting A Colonic
I went for my first and only
colonic back in December - when I really started to get into all this cleansing. I was horribly constipated back then. I had completed the CleanseSmart colon and general organ cleanse and finished the ParaGone. The therapist said I had a very sluggish bowel. She said I was having difficulty releasing and she was doing abdomen deep rubbing on my lower right side. She also mentioned that she thought I had an obstruction where my small intesstine meets my large intestine. Afterwards, she said I would do okay just taking Colosan and gave me a sample. I then bought my present supply of that.
The next morning, my lower right side, where she was doing all that deep rubbing, I had a huge, dark bruise and it was very sore for about 3-4 days. Is this normal? I want to go again but am concerned as being sore afterwards. The
colonic didn't bother me at all, but the pain afterwards was tough. I just want to see if my colon is in better shape after all the cleansing I have been doing.
Has anyone else had this experience?