Hi Shelley...my son keeps getting boils.
Last month he got one on his knee and under his armpits.
I had him tested and his blood measured that he had stapocollous(not sure how to spell lol) The doctor said it is airborne bug.
Unfortunately his Dad took him to a doctor and he prescribed penicillian which has done no good at all in fact he is worse.
I have put a poltice on one of the boils and it has seemed to responded and it is drawing.
He is 15 and I am getting a bit worried about him as he keeps getting these back. I know it is to do with his blood.
What can I do to nurture him back to health.
Unfortuantely his Dad is a believer in prescription drugs so I need a receipe so I can convince him to carry on with whilst he is in his Dads care too.
Zachary in the past has had bowel problems which led to a severe case of st Vitis dance which is an involuntary muscle spasms and nerves due to the toxins affecting his system. I am worried this is coming back and his immune system cant fight it.
I am giving him food to help move his bowels as I think this is the problem. He forgets to tell me that he hasnt been daily as teenagers dont express these personal habits freely like we do on Cure zone.
I would very much appreciate your help as I dont want him on penicillian.
Do you think I should do a
Colon Cleanse and probotics.