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Phytoestrogens - friend or foe?
garcia Views: 625
Published: 21 y

Phytoestrogens - friend or foe?

There is much conflicting information about phytoestrogens - estrogen mimicking compounds found naturally in many plants. But I found the following article which seems to dispell some of the myths. (click on link below for full article).


"Phytoestrogens actually appear to protect tissues from the cancer-causing effects of xenoestrogens and other hormonal pollutants.
This seems simple -- eat more phytoestrogens, be healthier -- and it is, so long as we restrict ourselves to eating plants. But when the difference between food and medicine is disregarded, when phytoestrogens are isolated and concentrated, sold to us in pills and candy bars, then the equation changes: phytoestrogens become dangerous hormones, quite capable of promoting cancer."



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