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Remineralization of my 6 cavities!
Bahir327 Views: 26,125
Published: 21 y

Remineralization of my 6 cavities!


This is my first post of this forum. Although I've been viewing it for about the past year.

In short, I had grade 5 cystic Acne when I was 16.5. I did a very thorough intetsinal cleanse, liver purges till all my stones were out, and I now have no more acne. But I have scars. And my whole method of healing my body is by eliminating all negative posibilities.

I also have 3 small Amalgams in my teeth. But the biological dentist I went to said I have 3 more cavities. By the way, I'm 18.5 right now. So I want to get my Amalgams out but I will not allow the dentist to put composites in ebcause I don't want anything synthetic in my body.

Nothing that shouldn't be there - at all. After doing the intetsinal cleanse, I feel the effects of the mercury much much more. I have darkness under my eyes, and they are a little bit baggy. According to my mom, it's 'all in my head' - same thing with other people who I say that to... But I always say that their stupid problems are all in their head to, and they have clearly given up on their health considering how much they give into mass media healthcare; and the garbage they eat.

Back on topic.... I want to remineralize my teeth. I am prepared to do anything that I must change my lifestyle with. I have drastically changed my health and the way I think about things ever since I was 15. And the majority of it when I had my acne.

I have read a bunch of sebastian reed's posts, but the links to his sites are broken. And just like any other aspect of health... remineralizing teeth seems to be described pretty bluntly because everyone is different. I totally agree with that.

But my question is... Does anyone have any experience on eating a raw food diet and remineralizing their teeth?

By the way, I used pretty strong magnets at certain areas of my body. And their healing effects are like 'wow' when you put them on. But can someone please tell me what should be done exactly after having my Amalgams removed to help heal my teeth. And if and how it will work? I don't expect an explanation with long latin words, but just something simple - or if you know it works.

Besides no over eating, not so much Sugar to give you snotty spit, and all that other typical stuff.

Like sebastian reed had some clay and other ingredients as like a poultice on his teeth. Where did he (you) get that? what did it do? and did that ever help remineralize hid (your) teeth?

If no one replies, I don't care. Because I'm still going to try. I'll just search for more on my own like I did when I had my acne.

But just to make things faster... Can someone please help me out?

My e-mail is if you don't want to say it here.

Thank you very much!


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