Abcess-need help please
I have had dental problem after dental problem and it never ends. I can't get to MX so please don't invite me there. Here's latest problems:
Last week had excruciating tooth ache under a crown which I was not excited about done years ago. There was cavatiy...had xrays done. Lower back tooth right side. Bottom line: it was extracted surgically as it was below the gum line. No pain and it was horrible pain I could not deal with as I waited it out as long as I could continued to floss, use hydrofloss and no relief. I have no regrets at moment. My mouth has had many crowns done,
root canals too which I am not excited about now, but no pain however, but still....obvious you can get decay under them too.
Next to that area is big gap, next to big gap is another tooth, believe crown on it too and told there is an Abcess there that has brewed. Have not gone back to dentist to see suggestions but he did hint when he took out the other tooth,
root canal which I am not considering at moment.
Now another crown fell out on the lower left towards front's totally flat without the crown and no pain, but still not alot of chewing action either. Next to this tooth is a cavity which is very obvious and on the other side of where the crown was, it looks like there may be a cavity there too. Not sure however. So all this said, I would love to know Dr. Nara wisdom as I can't get book right now. Can someone please post it so I will know what I need to do next. Needless to say it's outrageously expensive and I have had way too many teeth pulled then necessary. I can't imagine if I ate a bad diet, but I don't as I am a health nut.
I would love wisdom here. I just don't want to get ready for another tooth attack and have more extractions or root canals. I have never had a problem with the
root canals and they have been here for long time. I'm trying to avoid future problems and end keep my teeth for chewing. It is getting harder to chew and I'm only a spry, active, young 58. This should not be.
If someone can also send me scanned info. to email box I would that if we can't get it all in here.
Please again, getting to MX is a great invite, but not possible for me.
Oh, besides these problems I recently got a dental quote of $9,100. Not possibility but I do have the xrays which I found for a new dentist to review. I'm at a "cross" where I have to know what to do fast. Thanks bunches. I have not neglected my teeth as far as I know, but have been plagued with periodontal problems as well.
Oh, say goodbye to those stim u dent (wooden toothpicks to clean out food and stimulate gum). That helped my crown on lower right fall out. Thanks.
If I am not in the right dental forum, also please let me know that too. Time is of the essence. Oh, I did hear from one dentist recently, the $9,100 that I do have a few cavaties. How long do I want to neglect the work to remove the decay as I don't want to have disease build up and die from negligence either. What a nightmare to say it mildly and no dental insurance either and hubby has seasonal business ending now, not rolling in money to carry us for many months ahead and no job here. Hoping to sell on ebay. Could use private ebay wisdom by writing my email as this is not the proper list for that talk.
Thanks again. Sorry for so long, but this explains the challenge.