Re: Liver/Bowel Cleanses During Pregnancy
His superfood product would be safe, but ALL of his products? Doubtful! Lots of his products are herbal complexes, which wouldn't be great.
During the first trimester when misscarriage is a worry, it's best not to flush or take herbs that cause a cleansing/downward action in energy and muscle contractions. I think if you visit Julia Chang's website she addresses this issue.
There are things you can do for the liver that are healthful, such as the cleansing carrot salad, beets, lecithin, that are completely safe. And post-pregnancy liver and gallbladder health really needs to be addressed - most surgeries for g/b removal happen after pregnancy, sigh.
P&B shakes are totally safe and highly recommended. Enemas, as long as they are plain saline, warm and don't have
additives that cause spasms are okay too. :)
Best of luck to you and your wife! :)