Re: muscle pain question
I know I'm not Shelley but ...
6 miles is a lot to be running every day especially for a 15 year old girl. I know running has the image of being healthy, but it can also be extremely demanding on the body, especially a pubescent body. All those teen hormones can be demanding enough!! I would make sure that she eats properly, and gets plenty of anti-oxidants, because running will increase the amount of free-radicals running amok in her body (runners can age very quickly for this reason). Also runnning every day isn't necessarily the best idea. The body needs time to recuperate. How about every other day? Or maybe cross-training - cycling one day then running, then maybe weights. That way although she's still doing a lot of exercise she is less likely to be overtraining any one area of her body. I'm really not surprised her legs hurt.
She definitely needs more water. You say she needs less carbs, but if she is doing 6 miles a day she probably needs a fair amount - much more than a sedentary person. The thing is they should be good quality carbs - not white bread and potatoes.
Although orthodox medicine doesn't recognize it,
Acne is largely related to diet. Ever see someone on a traditional native diet with acne? No me neither - it doesn't happen.
So I would say to your neice to learn about nutrition - it will help her in her sports, and help her clear up her acne.
I remember when I was a teenager I figured out that I could control my
Acne largely by avoiding junk foods. I guess that was my first lesson in healthy eating ...
One thing she can do straight away is to hydrate/alkalise using the lemon & sea-salt drink every morning. Tell her it will balance her electrolytes. She'll like that - teenagers like it when you blind them with science.