Re: Awsome!!!!! THANX!!!!!
Liver management should be cyclic. When you first begin, go for as long as you can manage, but take some breaks because you're in this *for the long haul.*
I say take a break after two months even if just for two weeks just be safe. I tend to be on the conservative side when it comes to self-medicating, and believe herbs to be almost as powerful as pharmeceuticals. If you're flushing in addition to taking herbs in those two months, the symptoms should not return as strongly.
And it helps one to stay on the "straight and narrow" if you can break your "fast" and have something decadent every now and again. It's much better to cheat for a few days than to cheat a litte bit EVERY day.
And the herbs can get cycled too when you're flushing, so that helps. For instance, now that I have Julia Chang's tinctures, I take nothing but Gold Coin Grass and Coptis the week prior to a flush. That gives me a break from bupleurum and milk thistle. OH and I forgot to add Chinese Gentien to my list of herbs ararrrrrghgghhghgh heheheheh. So thanks to that protocal, I can do a very long series of liver management. I've done 4 flushes since... end of November and I won't be stopping for awhile. But I'm awful about taking herbs every day, I forget some days. ;)
Hope that answers your question! :)