A loofah can be used to brush your skin to exfoliate and deep clean, exercise and stimulate, and overall aid in the cleansing process. You can purchase that or a dry skin brush online, at a local health food store, or even at WalMart.
I drink one ounce of the neutralizer each morning. That is a lot, but it is what works for me. I ordered the PH test strips and take my PH each morning. I believe you can start with as little as a few drops to a capful in the beginning and work your way up based on your PH results. The one ounce is what keeps my PH where it needs to be.
When I first ordered the products, they came with two, one ounce bottles. I use one bottle to measure and pour my detox bath ingredients and the other to measure my morning neutralizer drink. I then drink it straight. I do not mix it in any water. Again, that is just what works for me.