I've kept your note Karlin in case I ever get to the denture course. I don't have health problems I know of, but a rotten, lousy set of teeth. I can only blame my tons of fresh fruits, the convert to Sugar on these pearlies, and the acid foods I would eat. This summer my garden had a bumper crop of tomatoes (acidic) that probably did me in with lots of pain now. I didn't eat much oranges/grapefuits or lemons, but I had enough to cause excruciating pains. I am now seeing a dentist and today was removing one nagging crown, and then working on one tooth that had hugh cavity. Root was cleaned, going back in two days for another cleaning in that area and then two days after that hoping to be filled then. It's in the front so if we can save it without mercury and the other nasties there, this is my first plan. I can't believe these funky pieces of poison that we call crowns are so expensive. My plan is to remove them all. There is decay under them anyway and no plans on putting them back. I can't believe the dentists here in U.S. would not be embarrassed to charge outrageous rates for this junk and be able to sleep in their mansions too without any guilt.