New to Macrobiotics
I've just gone macro, and it's made a huge difference in under 2 weeks. I'm feeling much less extreme, my mood is lighter, I love the food, and I actually enjoy cooking (I was a devoted non-cook). I found "The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics" was an excellent primer. Jessica really knows how to present some rather esoteric Eastern philosophy to a Western reader. She helps you to get started slowly or go "whole hog." I'm now ready for some more difficult reading - Michio Kushi's book on healing with macrobiotics. is a good source for recipes (warning: do not try baked macaroni in bechamel sauce). Also try Christine Pirello's cookbooks.
Things I like:
My favorite treat (and I can't even believe how much I like it) is warming up leftover rice with a cup of hot tea (I like to sweeten the tea slightly with stevia and I use a nice tea like decaffeinated English Breakfast - not strictly macro).
Millet and brown rice
Kanten (vegetarian jello!!)
Brown rice vinegar
Terra Chips
Things I don't like:
Going potato-less
Being the only macro in Oklahoma!!
It might also be noted that I started this right after doing
The Master Cleanse for 10 days, so I don't think I am as bothered as I otherwise would be by using so little salt, avoiding sugar, giving up eggs and cheese (I used to be ovo-lacto-vegetarian). If you are looking to start this and you eat a very rich diet, you might want to "cleanse your palate" before you start. Or start slowly. Start with a bowl of long-grain brown rice once a day and see where it takes you.
Best of luck to anyone who wishes to pursue this. I'm really pleased with it.