Good Day. Figured I'd might as well be the first to sign in. I am a 49 yr. old woman who has had PTSD for my entire life, am married to someone who got his from Vietnam as well as my brother. I have gone to 4 yrs. of college studying Behavioral Science with a concentration in this field and do plan on continuing to grad school within the next few years with an emphasis on Trauma & Addiction. This hypervigilence really can burn out your body's resources. The complications are many from: divorce, addiction, short term memory loss, hypertension, nightmares, hypothyroidism, emotional isolation etc. The symptoms we exhibit may seem a bit odd to those who have not been through whatever it was that determined our fates. I have quite an extensive collection of periodicals on the stressor(s) precurser. The best advice I can leave this forum with is a quote from my long time psychotherapist, "PTSD is in actuality a sane reaction to an insane event". Blessings to all, shamanhealer2u
PS. a burden shared is 1/2 its weight.