Hi I drank 24 beers for 13 yrs with out stoping, they were not getting me high anymore the depressions were horrible I was tired my body hurt I didnt eat for up to 3 days waiting to get a high but it was not happening so I finally had enough I started drinking camomille and mint teatogether and I found out that my body felt better and I started drinking lesss and less finaly I stoped for 3 yrs straigth.Now I drink 3 or 4 times a yr but I dont keep going like before as long as I drink the tea after.I been helping people this way and its working, it helps with hangovers too. I been takin sarsaparrilla and artichoke extracts to get my liver in shape it really works. also the camomille tea its very good for the liver it regenerates it. alcohol irritates the stomach and intestines this is why people get hangovers. I was getting irritable bowell and the tea helps with that too. the reason I kept drinking was because every time I stoped drinking my body hurt and I thougth it was asking for more beer so I would drink more and more and the pain disapeared when I drank,We all know that alcohol nums pain I know I shouldnt drink at all but I guess I think I can pull it off Ill wait and see how far I can go like this.I hope this helps someone.Please drink the tea even if you throw up do it again untill you keep it down believe me it works, drink it worm not hot. dont drink mint tea if you have acid reflux drink camomille only good luck.