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Need advice on cavitation testing!!! HELP!!
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Need advice on cavitation testing!!! HELP!!

Hi, I need some advice. I am very ill, have been for years from mercury toxicity, but no longer have Amalgams (had them out 9 years ago). However, recently in the last two years I've had other dental visits. One dental visit was to replace two older composites with new ones and have my two lower wisdom teeth removed. I had this done over three/four dental visits. Since that time, I have been through a nightmare. My life has been turned literally upside and the suffering has been so severe I've contemplated suicide.

I do not know what's happened. I know some of it might have been dental office mercury vapor (just from going in there), as I recognised some of the symptoms, but I do not believe this is the entire problem. I went to a doctor who uses a voll machine and he detected that the newer composites that were put in are NOT good for me. They contain phenol, and the lining used was "glass ionomers" which appaerently can contain metal salts (arsenic/lead/alluminium etc, which I've now hear the amount that is often in them is way over the safe limit).

On top of this, he detected "dead pulp" or "gangrene" in the left bottom side of my jaw, where the wisdom tooth had been removed. This is the same place where the two suspect/bad composites are as well.

I have since been to a biological dentist (best in my country pretty much) who has tested me also. He confirmed the incompatible dental materials. He also did panoramic xray to check for any Amalgam underneath any of my composites and luckily there was none. He also checked the same xray for any sign of cavitation and found nothing. He did some "topas" test on me as well, and found no sign of anything so he told me. He did detect that I had periodontal gum disease.

My concern is this. The doctor who used the voll machine, found the dead pulp/gangrene ONLY in that left site of my mouth, nowhere else. He was quite certain of this. Yet the dentist doesn't find anything.

Is the panoramic xray and topas test enough to discover everything? I am at the end of my tether. I now have to get incompatible dental materials redone as well. This dentist has the cavitat scan in his office, but did not use this on me due probably to the expense (as I am financially pretty hard up) and also the fact he probably thought the other testing was enough.

Can someone advise me on what I can do? Should I insist on the cavitat scan? I wuld prefer to use the extra expense, as I am desperate to get well. I have spent 18 years of my life in sickness, finally came out of it, only to have more dental treatment and be worse off than ever before.

Also, thanks to the person on here who recommended the lazer treatment to me. That is much appreciated. I could end up doing that, but would prefer at this point to see if I can get a proper diagnosis and permanent solution. If i can't do that, the laser thing will be another option.



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