Re: We are kindred spirits, David.
Hi Owen,
Thank you for your kind remarks.
In answer to your questions: I am healthier than anyone I know (although I certainly do not claim a very wide circle of acquaintences). I am defining health as the lack of any illnesses and/or aches and pains. I also, over the past 12 years of "bowel tolerance" dosing, have gotten a few "colds," but those never included any sore throats with them nor any other pain(s) for that matter (just some sneezing and blowing my nose for a few days, and feeling a bit tired). Certainly nothing that came close to sending me to bed nor necessitated my foregoing any work. I have always been quite healthy, but in the last 12 years, it has gone to an even higher level. However, I am definitely getting older (I'm 56), e.g. 50% gray and nowhere near the athletic abilities of old! I've long suspected the possibilty that my mouth full of silver/mercury
Amalgam fillings might be the cause of my high "bowel tolerance" limit. I don't know, and truth be told, don't care, because I have such faith in ascorbate, IF you ingest a "bowel tolerance" dose daily, that I figure it can detoxify virtually ANY pathogens, toxins, etc. (However, I certainly will replace these, when the time comes for each, with composite fillings).
Are you familiar Owen, with Irwin Stone's, THE HEALING FACTOR - Vitamin C Against Disease - ? In it he includes the following study,
"Rabbits with both kidneys surgically removed uniformly die in three to four days. If, however, these animals without kidneys are injected with a mixture of ascorbic acid and p-amino
benzoic acid , the scientists state; "The duration of survival was strikingly increased, ranging from five and a half to eight and a half days. Even more striking was the improved condition of the animals during most of the period of survival. They were alert, active, and in most respects behaved like normal rabbits until a few hours prior to death."" --
Of all the miracles I have ever read about Owen, this is the one that inspires and motivates me the most, i.e. I see no reason why any/all of us cannot live long and
"go out" the same [painless] way!
You sound like your health regimen is working very well indeed!
I also have experienced the frustration of finding VERY few people interested in taking the reigns of their own health. Personally, I do not understand that attitude, but I guess I'll just have to add that to the other "million" things I do not understand in this world! At any rate, we do what we can, eh? Speaking of which, I have read quite a number of your posts, and would like to thank you for taking the time and trouble to make this a better world by sharing so unselfishly. I do suspect we are indeed "kindered spirtits" Owen!
All my best,