Re:PD drugs creates gambling addiction!!
Seems new studies do show depression, anxiety and addictions are more closely related to dopamine levels and not seratonin as once thought and treated with Serotonin elevating drug like Paxil and others!
Wellbutrin which elevates dopamine levels are successful in addiction treatments!
And is often prescribed for cigerette addiction with great success!
However side affects of the toxic based drugs should sway against their use! And in the case of cigerettes smokers leaves one more graven when use is stopped, causing an addiction to welbutrin!
But as far as addictive personalities, I think are considered someone who through out their life and starting at an early age! Imbalances start in the womb or earlier in the mothers lack of good health! I do beleive the consideration that humans as a species are deficient in vitamin c would make us all addicts as such, but many other factors including environment still play a role in the total outcome. Perhaps even ancestral influences have their effects in what type of creation is in the making!
Disease and the maladies of life are not singular in creation but from many sources! Accumulating in thier effects and co conspirators in thier assault apon the body!
Hmm this does beg the question , do hypoascorbate levels effect dopamine levels and what foods or elements enhance dopamine levels?