After 3 yrs of suffering
This is posted in Hair Loss Forum, thought this forum would enjoy reading as well.
Hi Everyone,
In 2002 I started losing my hair, and as a female with beautiful thick was devestating. All kinds of theories from estrogen dominance, toxicity, mecury poisening (all of which, I still believe contributed if not caused my hair loss). However, last summer I came down with a staph infection on my leg, it was nasty. Picked the infection up from the gym I was visiting...well, to make a long story short, I ended up in the ER for laceration, and then came home and called my Naturapathic Doc. Well she said "your immune system is low, I want you to start with 1,000 mg of Vit C -this will build you immune system". So I went to Whole Foods got a generic version of Ester C 500 mg, and took 2 a day. Well I was also on
Antibiotics . All of sudden I noticed my hair stopped falling out within appx. 2-3 days. I'm thinking "man these
Antibiotics must be killing something in my body." I finished my course of
Antibiotics and Vit C. After about 2-3 weeks hair started falling out again, and this time -very rapidly. In Sept., I came down to LA to work Hurrican Katrina, wanted to stay all my shots (really didn't want to...but....) and went to the health food store and purchased Vit C. Guess what! Yup, you guess stopped falling out.
I hope this encourages someone out there. I searched, cried, and begged for an answer for 3 yrs- I did the Sauna's, colon cleanses, liver cleanses, Mega Vitamins, shampoo's, sprays, etc. All those things are beneficial, but for the hair loss problem --I have found my answer. But remember when taking Vit C, start slowly...say 500 mg/day to build up bowel tolerance, or you will be visiting the toilet a lot. Vit C is great for so many things, do the research and GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.