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journ Views: 2,471
Published: 20 y


does anybody do a c-flush weekly to see if their btl changes?
Read in the book awhile back (Optimal Nutrition for Optimal Health, by Dr.Thomas Levy). That you should go to btl as often as everyday if possible!
It seems mine changes weekly, doing a c-flush now and I'm at 45g(and still climbing), last weekend it was 21g. Maybe the work week stress has upted it!
Also think the body is like a leaky pail with holes in it, one must keep topping up as the body uses it.
Waiting to hit btl so can go for my nightly walk, this is taking awhile! Looks like I'm learning more weekly on vitamin c.

don't feel sick, but energy level just went up a notch!(49g)
getting very mild diarrhea, going to push dosage abit more to a flush!(49g is the btl)
yesterdays dose hit 39g, before flush occurred.
going to do flush tomorrow also will post btl ,then!


does anybody do a c-flush weekly to see if their btl changes?
Read in the book awhile back (Optimal Nutrition for Optimal Health, by Dr.Thomas Levy). That you should go to b.t.l. as often as everyday if possible!
It seems mine changes weekly, doing a c-flush now and I'm at 45g(and still climbing), last weekend it was 21g. Maybe the week stress has upted it!
Also think the body is like a leaky pail with holes in it, one must keep topping up as the body uses it.
Waiting to hit btl so can go for my nightly walk, this is taking awhile! Looks like I'm learning more weekly on vitamin c.


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