Re: New to herpes...questions...please help!
I have had 6 years of ob after ob, and then I stumbled across oregano oil, it is awsome for the immune system, I started taking it dirung an ob, and I cut my healing time in half and I have thought I may be getting other ones and took it and so far nothing, I usually get one a month with my time of the month and I haven't gotten an ob with my last two periods, so it seems to be working for me, I would have her give it a try, I wish I had known about it years ago, although better late then never. My brother has had luck with it for a different chronic skin condition, (not STD related, a fungus,) and he has had much success with it also, and nothing had been working for him. but if you or her take oregano oil, you have to make sure you take some time off it, because it isn't good to be constatly on it. I have heard to rub it on the spine, lower part where the virus stays dormant. It might not work for everyone, but I think it is doing good things for me and is realitivly inexpensive at 20-30 dollars since a bottle would last a long time.