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Re: What is This?
speechlessly50 Views: 1,559
Published: 19 y
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Re: What is This?

Yes, HSV2 infected from mouth will show symptom of always have to pooh. I saw in an advertisement of internal cleanse in a health food store that if one has frequent pooh, one might have infectious disease. And I think the reason is very obvious that the intestines when noticed the HSV2, want to get rid of them, so frequent pooh happened. If some of you had remembered what I wrote, sometimes just after 15 minutes of drinking a glass of water will lead to pooh. You have have more poohs than before. And you felt like you have gas and irritable bowel symptom---I think you have HSV2 in the mouth. I have the same symptom as you. You do not have irritable bowel symptom for you do not have cramps and pain when you pooh.

The reason for the doctor to miss the lab might be due to where he swabbed. I was tested negative for HSV2 in nose. He swabbed near the middle of the nose, and the HSV2 might have been on the other sides. However, the doctor can't do better than the middle for the nostril is small that he can't go any further. In the meantime, go to another doctor and treat yourself as if you have HSV2 in the mouth----2nd opinion is needed or at least someone trust you that you might have herpes. And as times go, you will notice if you continue to have itch, outbreak,movemnet of the virus on any part of the face, ear, throat, scalp to make you know it is herpes. Don't be too late to ask for prescription of valtrex for you don't want them to go to the eyes nor brain.


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