When I was a child and when I had a cold sore of HSV1, my coldsore will stop after I drink one or sometimes two glasses of fresh squeezed red carrot juice. Red Carrot juice is cleansing, and it is rich in Vitamin A. As an adult, even after I have HSV2 in the genital and mouth, my cold sore of HSV1 will stop on the same day after I drink two glasses of red carrot juice or consume two rice bowls of shredded red carrot in Freshchoice. At the same time, I will put over the counter cold sore cream on the mouth, and all my cold sore will crust within 24 hours. My cold sore crust is very small for it dried up 24 hours. And 3 days later, the crust will fall out. So I never have big cold score as the guys I happened to see, and I hope this helps those who sees a lot of people daily at work.