are your teeth loose or in bad shape? if they are not, good luck finding an american dentist to pull them. i am not sure if a mexican one would either, but they cater more toward the patient's desires. dr morales would not pull good teeth just because it had a mercury filling, but that is because he knows how to get rid of it properly and put the right material in so that the patient will be happy and get well. if it is a very big filling, he might, but we could also do an inlay/onlay or a crown.
yes, i was nearly 100% better. then, i went and got a tubal ligation and have health issues because of it. i am getting it reversed in mexico on the 28th. i have waited around for these idiot egoistic drs in the states to do something and all they say is no. i cannot express enough my dislike for the american medical system. as humans, we are very lucky to have mexico to turn to.