Garlic as silver bullet---good for mouth herpes, too.
I have HSV2 in mouth, and after reading this email from Brian, I took 4 cloves for lunch and 4 cloves for dinner. Then, no outbreak or minimal outbreak in mouth, if I still crave for my coffee ( I only allow up to 4 oz, and with Equal sweetener only. ) At night, I still take 1
Genetically-Modified of Valtrex, so I can sleep soundly. Hope this message helps. Chopped up the garlic in small pieces, so you can just swallow, and my roommate said I have no garlic smell in breath.
However, when these viruses move around in the nerve, I still feel them piecing me.
Also, just want to let everybody know, I pray for everyone who wrote to curezone daily two to three times daily. So even if the message has no respond, you will know I will pray for that person. Shall we all pray for each other, follow God's Laws, and hopefully all the prodigal sons and daughters moved the Lord so much that cure will happen.
The last is I have to admit in the last two days, I had been very impatient with the Lord that I yelled to Him continuous in prayers----I had mouth herpes for 13 mouths already. ( Afterwards, I ask Him for forgivness. And pray from the Biblical point of view which I understand.) God has His timings. Maybe if I am healed, I will not have so much compassion as now that this illness is good for me. Or I still have'nt master some disciplines yet, so God wants me to depend on Him day by day.
For those who do not know God, pls check out books or phone a pastor to tell you quick who is He for now, why He said He is God, and by praying earnestly that He will help you to understand He is God, and you can ask Him for other help in life, too. There will be a difference 2 to 3 weeks for sincere heart, persistent prayer, and following what you already know about His Teaching, even if they are just fragments of His Teaching, e.g. love one another, forgiveness. Encouragement is I've experienced Him answer my prayer as fast as a week, some people experienced in two days, and a few brother and sister said even just after finished Amen, an understanding came to them that they knew God revealed the answer to them in enlightment. Give Him a try for He is a very important person to help us with this incurable disease.