this may pertain to me........ i recently purchased a zapper in my attempts to battle, during this time the after the first few days of using it i did end up having a break out. however this usually happens when the body is releasing the toxins from your system and also the attempt to fight the immune system. this was short lived and sores dried up and peeled off within a few days. it was the worst ob i"ve had even from my initial. since then i have not had an ob since. this is going on 5 months right now. i initially had the super zapper deluxe and have since switched to the terminator ii zapper..... the reason for is to try and use it 24 / 7 and see if i can eliminate the v once and for all........ the super zapper deluxe to me was affective however it could onlyt be used indoors. (too big and not portable) i actually like it better because it was programmed specifically for the hsv-2 virus. if you want to know more just shoot me an email...... so far i have no complaints from both zappers.......