Re: Im not sure if i have it or not?
Pls check back with the doctor again when you have the symptom showed up. Sometimes, the doctor needs more than one test to diagnose. If your health insurance allows, pls see another doctor at the same time for second opinion. Sometimes, the second doctor will be able to believe you. In the meantime, treat yourself as if you have Herpes 2 to avoid outbreaks in other parts of the body.
For taking Valtrex, you have to take it at the start of any tingling sensation, or within 24 hours of feeling any tingling sensation, itch or leison. Valtrex recommends taking within 48 hours for maximum suppression, and claims the benefit will be less noticeable if taking after 48 hours. Valtrex only breaks the RNA of the virus, so viruses can't replicate, but it does not stop the frequencies of outbreak.
Since I have Herpes 2 in the mouth, and had researched that some doctors thought more dosage are necessary, I took more dosages as to avoid the Herpes 2 to bite my eyelids and skin in the middle of the eye---to avoid being blinded. Sometimes, I took 6 caplets of 500 mg of Valtrex for 2 days only. Pls research on the dosage that people with Herpes Zoster take and not to exceeded the maximum dosage they take. Also, when people have a cold sore---HSV 1, the recommended dosage is 4 gram for one day only, which is 2 grams each time and 2 times a day. So if I don't exceed that and the dosage of Herpes Zoster, I am fine. I begged my doctor for more by calculating reasonably how much I need daily and for 30 days. If my symptom improve, I will cut that for my insurance made me pay caplets by caplets. Also, my insurance only pays up to 30 days Rx while some do pay up to 60 days. Good Luck.
Do believe in yourself as the best person to take care of your body, and the first to notice what is different. My left arm is only 1
cm bigger than my right arm, so no doctor believe I had lymphedema. ( They measure my arm. ) However, I had gained weight and had worned a bra too small that even my breast hurted at the end of the day. The used blood with serum can't flow back to the heart, and I have pain in the swollen left arm right away. So I insisted on treating it as lymphedema, and ask for manual lymphatic massage drainage therapy. The therapy did make my arm stopped swollen. However, 2 days after I stopped massage, the arm was swollen to 2
cm more than the right arm. So the doctor finally believe I have lymphedema. Hope my 2 cent work,and Best Wishes.