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Re: apologies - didnt mean to offend
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Re: apologies - didnt mean to offend

After seeing a lady's response in curezone that she drinks hydrogen peroxide and a lady in Dr. Saul Pressman's web drinking on and off for 10 months, so I drink. I drank 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. And I noticed one person drank a total of 100 drops a day for a few days to cure chicken pox. So 33 drops a day seemed to the max for a few days, otherwise follow the internet recomendation of 25 drops each day for 3 times. I drink 3 times as followings:

Day 1-----3 drops.
Day 2-----4 drops.
Day 3-----5 drops.
Day 6-----8 drops. ( I decided to jump, as to save time.)
Day 7-----9 drops. ( I started to notice the taste. )
Day 8-----10 drops.
Day 9-----13 drops. ( I also jumped to 3 drops more, as I am a type A person. )
Day 10----16 drops.
Day 11----19 drops.
Day 12----20 drops. ( I don't like to jump this time, because it taste so bad. )
Day 13----20 drops. ( I remembered I did not jump for 3 days. )
Day 14----20 drops.
Day 15----22 drops. ( This time jump 2 drops instead of 3 drops. )
Day 16----25 drops. ( Hating it so much, but I keep at this level for one and a half month. )
Day 17 to Day 45---25 drops. ( Then, I don't take anymore, for a break. Till now, I never take it again. )

By Day 10, 16 drops in 5 oz of distilled water, I got upset stomach as the healing crisis begin. I can feel the hydrogen peroxide going after bacteria/viruses in the stomach and to the colon----I have a bowel less than 30 minutes for 2 times after I drank it, so the feeling is like drano working in pipelines. The viruses in the mouth start to go to the nose, then to the frontal sinus, then to the brain, and to the spinal cord, marvellous, they run very fast----much faster than the ants you see. I started to sneeze, and the corners around my eyes are very itchy, and by end of day 11, something from the left eye just popped out after itchy so much despite my contact lens is in. The bacteria or virus just pop out at some place that the contact lens is not touching. I was relieved. At those time, I only pray to God to protect my eyes.

By Day 30, I know this will not kill Herpes but had detoxed me. ( I did not take valtrex during the drinking process for I want to kill the viruses. )I have a lymph node surrounding the Herpes Viruses in irregular shape in the thigh. The size is as huge as 6 inches times 3 inches. I remembered I cried on that day for itchness and heartbroken after all the sufferings of drinking. I pretended nothing happen when my boyfriend accompanied me to I.V. for the second time. The I.V. made the lymph node ( or a big patch of primple like bump ) go away when I finished the 2 and a half I.V. dip, as I noticed that in the bathroom after I finished the I.V.

Then, after the 10th I.V. Hydrogen Peroxide, I noticed the patchs of primple like bump are so small in the arms, face---as small as a small size primple just started up. I usually have those primple like bumps as big as a nickle or almost quarter size. Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. must kill a lot of viruses that even my lymph nodes found them and surrounded them to stop further attack to the cell, the lymph nodes found fewer amount of them, as seen from size.

Recently, I had stopped taking I.V. Hydrogen Peroxide for 3 weeks, and noticed the itch started to come again. Maybe my thinking style or my habit of type A triggers outbreak. I felt anything can only suppress Herpes but not long enough. One M.D who also used ozone also said a very heartbroken message to me. He said for 20 years, he never seen ozone nor hydrogen peroxide cure herpes. So we constantly need to suppress Herpes. Now, I can only think if I can work and go to church, then it is ok to suppress forever.

The good part is some friends support me,and the warm messages from curezone showed me there are good people who cared despite a bastard who ruined my life. Now, I just need to learn to live day by day, and in God's hands.

I hope this message help, and lastly, I apologize if I had been a tiger in my previous email.


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