you could try MSM eye drops to put in your eyes. I think if you get the right kind of Colloidal Silver it should be fine. I think they still put them in babies eyes...
Speechlessly you seem awfully fearful of alot of things. I am sorry for you. The majority of people with herpes 1 and 2 live perfectly healthy lives. It is only a minor few that get complications. I know it is hard not to worry about these things but you have to think to yourself that even if they do happen, do you really want to have spent all the time when it didnt happen in a state of fear anyway. If it does happen you can deal with it then. Until then just enjoy your life. I really dont think herpes can be tranmitted through air. In fact I am almost sure. Visit the 'herpes viruses association' online. You can email questions there and professionals will answer within a couple of days or so. Just have some strength in the meantime and think: 'my state of mind now is more important than what may possibly happen in the future.' In fact there is a book called: 'the power of now' which may help you get over worrying about the future and increase your feelings of acceptance. Acceptance of whatevr will happen will bring you peace. If you find yourself worrying just try to think of osmething else positive. The longer you try for the easier it will become.