I do hope this helps someone. My family has gotten into herbs used in India for 4,000 years. One of these is Neem.
Many decades ago a swarm of locusts passed thru India and destroyed all their crops . The neem trees were spared. Now we are importing neem trees into Florida and selling the bark, leaves and oil. By "we" I don't mean our family!
This is said to cure herpes; do a search on neem/herpes: buy some Neem oil and Neem capsules. I think vitacost.com sells them. Mix a small bit of the oil into
aloe vera gel, 1/2 and half. Apply on the sores 3 times a day. Then take the capsules as directed. In 2 weeks you are supposed to be cured of herpes.
I hope it works. Please let everyone know your results. Especially me! aster