Re: Natalie & Laura...passed small rope on IF#2 !!!
That is great!!! It gives me hope to hear your progress. I remember seeing in the patient's handbook that this formula was meant to be taken with food. That is probably why you are seeing more results from eating more.
For some reason, I seem to be having more movements today than in the past 3 or 4 days, but nothing exciting seems to be in them. A lot of undigested food though so I plan to up my digestive enzymes for all meals today.
I eat small amounts of meat, miniscule amounts of dairy (no cheese, no glasses of milk, just the occasional yogurt) and lots of fruits and veggies. It seems like I have tried every diet that came down the pike and none of them seemed to help me feel better. On low carb, I didn't have a BM for days and felt lousy. On high carb, I felt spacy and didn't sleep well and was constantly hungry, the candida diet left me feeling extremely fragile, emotionally and physically, I am now trying to eat consciously and with more balance in order to receive the proper energy from food and in order to also know which foods I should avoid. Our bodies know what is right to eat if we just listen to them. It is a whole emotional thing with me and I am also working with that side of my dis-ease.
The retention of feces in the bowel to me signifies an irrational need to retain "shit". The not letting go of past events. Retaining, holding back, holding on. I feel that by working with both the physical and emotional sides of the issue, I can finally insure myself a better state of health. But it means being really self aware which is difficult when life gets too busy to take time to pay attention.
Anyway, congratulations on the rope, did you take photos? If I ever do, they will have to be black and white photos because my digital is not working and I am a little hesitant to take those kinds of photos to my local lab, they know me pretty well there (I am a semi pro photographer) but the B&W I do right in my own darkroom.