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Ozone! Ozone! Ozone! (Personal experience)
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Published: 20 y

Ozone! Ozone! Ozone! (Personal experience)

I am seeing more and more people post about ozone. That's good. I can offer personal experience on its efficacy. It would appear that those not getting results with ozone are doing the procedure wrong.

I posted a long message some months ago about the use of zinc, and during that protocol, I discovered ozone. I started researching after #3092's thread on "autohemotransfusion" (bless you, "bird"). I have followed any and every lead I could find. This time, I hit pay dirt. I contracted Herpes II about a year and a half ago. Since then, I had had an outbreak (ranging from mild to severe) every two to three weeks. What a freakin' nightmare!

Since starting my doctor administered autohemotransfusion, I have been outbreak and symptom free for two months. Better than this, my ex-girlfriend has been outbreak and symptom free too. Whoa!...what a major weight off. I stopped visiting curezone, but I wanted to post this message to give fellow seekers hope.

The problem I am reading about most is the availability of ozone practioners. Go to the following website, and find the ozone doctor nearest you (Canada, U.S., Puerto Rico, and Mexico):

As for me, I do not live in America. A former resident of a Blue State, I have exiled myself! ;-) I live in Asia. Ozone therapy is readily available in many countries in Asia for usually 1/3 (or less) of the cost in Europe or North America. Take South Korea, for example; ozone treatments are not ubiquitous but can be found. The cost is 35,000won (currently $35.00 USD). So, if you are in a flexible situation and have a degree. Get yourself a six-month teaching job in Korea: travel, make money, and rid yourself of herpes. Go to for job postings.

The protocol which the doctor administered included two weeks of two treatments per week, followed by eight weeks of weekly treatments. The treatments involved simply (and painlessly) having blood drawn from my arm (and placed into a polyvinyl chloride plastic bag; the same type of bag used at a Red Cross blood drive). Ozone is then infused into the bag using a Leur syringe where the blood becomes bright cardinal red (attributed to the extra molecule of oxygen?). After that, the blood was returned into my arm. Ozone therapy gave me a feeling of light euphoria for several hours--a general sense of well-being.

Ozone! I have every confidence it will work as well for you as it has with me.

P.S. Now, I want to reach out to fellow curezoners. Even though I have abated the use of zinc (and simultaneously experimenting with DMSO), my orgasms have reduced dramatically in intensity. Sometimes, I have no orgasm at ejaculation at all. I wonder if I have damaged nerve cells. Sometimes being one's own guinea pig has its drawbacks. Can anyone offer any insights? I have thought that perhaps my diet in Asia is depriving me of some vitamin or nutrient that I have forever had in North America. Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If there is a section at curezone that someone could recommend, please pass that along. Next month, I will go to a urologist if this condition doesn't clear up.


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