Narrow ear canals & fungus.
Up to 10 months ago I had a regular trip to the doctors clinic to hold a kidney bowl on my shoulder. Every 2 months in fact, & the reason was to get my ears syringed. The canals in my ears are very narrow, & they they have always been a haven for fungal infections,& wax lying on the drums. Whenever I tried to use cotton buds to clean them out I would just make things a lot worse by packing the wax against the drums resulting in loss of hearing.Consequently I was told in no uncertain terms "Dont put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow" Go on try it!
That was 10 months ago, & I havent had the need to go back. The reason is MANGOSTEEN JUICE. I started taking it for chronic I.B.S & it has turned my life around in that regard, but this is one hell of a bonus! I no longer get the fungal problems ,the wax seems to be drier, & falls out by itself. Also I can stop a Migraine in 15 minutes by taking a belt of Mangosteen as soon as the vision starts to go weird. Instead of the wavy silver lines making the complete trip from right to left across my vision, the Mangosteen reverses them & they disperse without forming the rotten headache. Marvellous!!
Please have a look at our webpage, Although Mangosteen is bottled in the U.S, it is still relatively unknown, but we can
arrange for you to get some delivered. It really is amazing stuff yet we in the West are just getting the message!