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Help! I don,t think I can last much longer.
hildie Views: 2,037
Published: 20 y

Help! I don,t think I can last much longer.

I have graves disease and I,ve had it since last Jan. I hard time with the pills Tapazol is the name of the medication. After being on it for about two months, they noticed my white blood cells going down and my liver count going up. I came off the pills and started taking L-carnitine. I took 2000mgs. for about eight months. I was told that would lower my counts without drugs. and it seemed to work for about that period of time. The problem is I developed a very bad stomach, and everything was at square one, except now I have such a bad sromach that I can hardly eat a thing. I,m so week and sick I don,t know what to do. THe pain seems to be right through the middle of the stomach. Gas, bubbling , acid. The doctor put me on nexium, but it doesn,t seem to be helping that much. everything seems to come back up into my throat.I,ve had an upper GI done also, cat scan and a ultra sound. nothing showed up. Has anyone reading this, had this happen to them. I,ve lost eight lbs. so far in one week. I,m now a 117lb sick girl. please help.


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