Double vision, brainfog and physical exercise
I am a 18 years old man with a severe health problem. So far, no one has been able to help me, so I would really appreciate any hint that could lead me to the right track. I don’t even know if it is the right forum I am addressing.
Short description of history and symptoms :
I can remember some of the symptoms (brainfog) back in 2000. It was not a problem at that time. My health turned worse in 2003, and 2004 has been a nightmare.
I experience severe brainfog. I find it very difficult to participate in a conversation, and it is almost impossible to concentrate on schoolwork. My eyes feel itchy, and I have to rub them all the time. I have bad balance, and my movements have become unprecise. I have to lie down to rest for hours after school. From August to February, my weight increased 10 kilograms, without any obvious reason.
I was diagnosed monocular diplopia a few months ago. At that time, I was examined by a neurologist , who stated that I had no signs of myasthenia gravis (no other conclusions). I have recently been to a MRI test – no indications. Blood test show ok values for T4, T3 and TSH.
What really confuses the doctors, is that physical exercise (jogging) has an almost immediate positive effect. After jogging 6 – 8 minutes , the fog clears up, and I feel much better. This effect remains throughout the day, and even the next day. This change effects all my symptoms, not only the ‘fog’. As a consequence , I have to exercise every day to keep up.
Jorgen L