Cell To Cell Recognition Molecules.
" A Time To Heal. "
" Penumbra's Of Iatrogenic Allopathy. "
" If It's Not Broke, Don't Fix It. "
For over two thousand years, human beings have suffered, due to the bogus, and flawed, fundamental concepts, of Allopathic therapeutic practice. A conglomeration of superficial, inaccurate, and unproven, hypothetical fallacies.
Continuation of this method, of purposeless invalidations, can only terminate in expanded pain, suffering, and untimely death.
It is time to dispel the darkness, and illuminate the vertical aspects, of true focused white light, which complements all natural, and permanent healing attributes.
The true causative progenitors, of all disease processes, appear on the surface, of all animal, and plant cells.
Their primary objectives, revolve around cell, to cell recognitions, and preservation of complementary homeostasis.
Any variations, pertaining to these primary defenders, of positive, and normal basic immune functions, will culminate in various symptom formation, which will deliver, a very confusing pathogenic interpretation.
The core, or nucleus of the cause, must here be conceived, as the one and only, validated, therapeutic concern, of any practitioner, that desires positive, and permanent, healing results.
" Here, You Have, Two Allopathic Practitioners, that have visualized, the true illuminations, of each, and every disease process, which begins, as a superficial invader, that has the capability to inject its negative disease causing attributes, into each, and every, compromised host cell.
These disease causing prodromes, can only be corrected, by the correct, and perfect physiological biochemistry, of our cell, to cell, recognition qualifications, being maintained, in proper symbiotic compatabilities.
Ajit Varki, M.D., noted that several diseases seem to differ in frequency and severity between chimps and humans, including AIDS, Alzheimer's, Cancer and Malaria. For example, chimps get infected with HIV, but almost never get AIDS and get only a mild form of malaria, even when injected with an often deadly form of the human parasite.
Varki's colleague, Elaine Muchmore, M.D., a hematologist and genetic researcher with VA San Diego Healthcare System and a UCSD professor of medicine, said the study also points out that the differences between humans and chimps are a lot more complicated and extensive than some researchers had previously thought.
"There are many people who have spoken out about the differences, but they have really oversimplified things," she said. "The human brain is a very, very complicated organ and this study validates that."
In landmark papers published in 1998 by Varki and Muchmore, the two reported on the first known biochemical and genetic difference between people and chimps – a missing oxygen atom in humans, in a cell-surface carbohydrate molecule called sialic acid. Since then, the Varki group has published discovery of a second genetic difference and have found additional, as yet unpublished, variances involving sialic acid biology.
For the current study published in Science, Varki and Muchmore provided and analyzed RNA samples from white blood cells and from liver and brain tissue of chimps and other primates that had died of natural causes at the Yerkes Primate Center in Atlanta.
"Singlet Oxygen : Generation And Properties."
" Modern Allopathic Medicine. "
Allopathy is the modern system of medicine with which most Americans are familiar. It advocates therapies that produce effects opposite to those of the disease being treated. For example, a person with a runny nose, aching head and watery eyes might be treated with a medication that reduces or halts such symptoms. Allopathic ideas have existed for two thousand years but only in the past 100 years has it allied with
Science to become an important form of medicine. Allopathy relies on repeated observations and the use of experiments to justify its therapy. Many specialties emerged in the twentieth century after allopathy displaced other kinds of medicine. One of these specialties was the study of anatomy. Allopathic anatomy organizes the human body into several distinct systems that function together.
The Allopathic Systems :
The human body is made up of ten distinct systems, according to allopathic medicine. Parts of each system can be seen in this chart, except for the nervous and reproductive systems. The nervous system, which includes the brain, regulates and coordinates all of the body's activities. Every movement we make, whether involuntary or deliberate, every sensation and even our dreams depend on the nervous system. The reproductive system includes the external sex organs and all related inner structures that are concerned with the production of offspring.
Skeletal System :
The skeleton is the framework that supports the body and protects the internal organs. Adult human beings have over 200 bones.
Muscular System :
Muscles perform a variety of functions within the body. Some move the large limbs such as arms and legs, while others are found in internal organs, such as the colon (6b #34-40) and the heart (6b #15-16).
Digestive System :
This system comprises all the organs involved in consuming food and converting its useful elements into chemical substances the body can use. The esophagus (6d #20) carries food to the stomach (6b #27) where it is ground up and mixed with digestive juices.
Respiratory System :
Respiration, or breathing, brings oxygen to the lungs where it is dispersed to the blood cells. A waste product, carbon dioxide, is carried to the lungs (6b #19-20) by blood cells. Carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs with each exhalation.
Circulatory System :
The heart (6b #15-16) pumps the blood, and the vessels carry it to the body tissues. The arteries (6b #4) bring oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the cells, and the veins (6b #5) carry away the cells' waste materials.
Urinary System :
The kidneys (6c #34-35) and bladder (6c #57) are part of the system that removes the body's waste products and excess water.
Endocrine System :
The endocrine glands-the thyroid (6a #2) and the pituitary-help to regulate growth, reproduction and utilization of food. The endocrine glands produce hormones, or chemical messengers, that are carried to all parts of the body.
Integumentary System :
The word integument means skin. The skin is considered by some to be a separate body system. It includes the skin, hair, nails, and the sweat and oil glands.
Bone Terminology :
Some anatomy terms are based on a resemblance of the structure to some familiar object. Many of these terms are no longer in everyday use, but in ancient Greece and Rome, where they originated, they were common words. Here are just a few examples, taken from the skeletal system. Can you see why each bone was named after the object next to it?
Artifacts courtesy of the Department of Anatomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa